The Divine Revelation Of Hell

The Divine Revelation Of Hell Over a period of thirty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell all to choose life. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us … Continue reading The Divine Revelation Of Hell


CHARACTERS: 3.5/5 WRITING STYLE: 4/5CLIMAX: 4/5ENTERTAINMENT QUOTIENT: 4.5/5 Why it is that Indians enjoy a love-hate relationship with Chetan Bhagat? And very frankly I don’t see the point why Chetan Bhagat is always trolled. He writes well and there must be some reason why his books always hit the bestseller charts despite the many criticisms thrown his … Continue reading ONE INDIAN GIRL | CHETAN BHAGAT | BOOK REVIEW

This Brave Boy Risked His Life to Save a Drowning Girl. Here’s His Heroic Story!

The young boy happened to witness a young girl drowning in a pool and crying for help and without a second thought, he jumped in to help! If you saw someone drowning in water, would you jump to help them? Or would you rather be an onlooker, even if you knew how to swim? Think … Continue reading This Brave Boy Risked His Life to Save a Drowning Girl. Here’s His Heroic Story!